Uncovering the WWTR1::NCOA2 Gene fusion in low‐grade myoepithelial‐rich neoplasm with HMGA2 expression: A case report


Alsugair Ziyad1ORCID,Pissaloux Daniel23,Descotes Françoise4,Tirode Franck23ORCID,Lopez Jonathan4,Perrot Jimmy1,Lapierre Ariane5,Fieux Maxime6,Philouze Pierre7,Champagnac Anne2,Onea Mihaela8,Benzerdjeb Nazim1ORCID


1. Department of Pathology Institut de Pathologie Multisite, Groupement Hospitalier Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon Pierre‐Bénite France

2. Biopathology Department Centre Leon Berard Lyon France

3. The Unit of Molecular Pathology, INSERM 1052, CNRS 5286 of Cancer Research Center of Lyon, and Team Genetics, Epigenetics and Biology of Sarcomas Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Lyon France

4. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department Groupement Hospitalier Sud Lyon France

5. Department of Oncological radiothERapy Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Lyon Sud France

6. Department of Oto‐Rhino‐Laryngology, otoneurosurgery and Cervico‐Faciale surgury Groupement Hospitalier Sud, Hospices Civils de Lyon Pierre‐Bénite France

7. Department of Oto‐Rhino‐Laryngology and Cervico‐Faciale surgury Hôpital La Croix Rousse, Hospices Civils de Lyon Lyon France

8. Department of Pathology Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg Strasbourg France


AbstractWe describe a case of a pleomorphic adenoma (PA) arising from the para‐tracheal accessory salivary gland in a 44‐year‐old male harboring a novel WWTR1::NCOA2 gene fusion. To our knowledge, this novel gene fusion has not been described previously in salivary gland tumors. The patient presented with hoarseness of voice. The radiological exam revealed a mass in the upper third of the trachea involving the larynx. Histologically, the tumor consisted of bland‐looking monocellular eosinophilic epithelial cells arranged in cords and sheets separated by thin fibrous stroma, focally forming a pseudo‐tubular pattern. In immunohistochemistry, the tumor cells demonstrated positivity for CK7, PS100, SOX10, and HMGA2; and negativity for CK5/6, p40 p63, and PLAG1. In addition, the clustering analysis clearly demonstrates a clustering of tumors within the PA group. In addition to reporting this novel fusion in the PA spectrum, we discuss the relevant differential diagnoses and briefly review of NCOA2 and WWTR1 gene functions in normal and neoplastic contexts.










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