1. Institute of Inorganic Chemistry Graz University of Technology Stremayrgasse 9/IV 8010 Graz Austria
2. Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Graz University of Technology Stremayrgasse 9/I 8010 Graz Austria
3. Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering University of Maribor Smetanova ulica 17 2000 Maribor Slovenia
4. Institute of Electron Microscopy and Nanoanalysis and Center for Electron Microscopy Graz University of Technology, NAWI Graz Steyrergasse 17 8010 Graz Austria
5. Graz Centre for Electron Microscopy (ZFE) Graz University of Technology Steyrergasse 17 Graz 8010 Austria
6. Institute for Chemistry and Technology of Materials Graz University of Technology Stremayrgasse 9 8010 Graz Austria