1. Joint International Research Laboratory of Information Display and Visualization, School of Electronic Science and Engineering Southeast University Nanjing 210096 P.R. China
Addressing challenges in existing Steady‐State Visually Evoked Potentials Brain‐Computer Interfaces (SSVEP‐BCI) systems related to the contradiction between the number of interactive targets and the accuracy of visual stimulus recognition, as well as issues of portability and comfort, this work explores the spatial localization algorithm of SSVEP in BCI and implements a wearable eyeglass LED stimulator and an online brain‐computer interface based on SSVEP. By studying traditional feature recognition algorithms, this work applies them to spatial localization and validates the feasibility of the technology through real experiments. The subjects are asked to wear glasses with four LEDs flicker in specific frequencies for each eye as stimulators. By analyzing the Electroencephalogram (EEG) signal intensity of the subjects, the coordinate of visual point which is relative to the LED stimulation points is calculated. The results indicate that the system can effectively distinguish the four directions where the subjects are gazing, achieving real‐time brain‐machine interaction.