1. Department of Psychology Washington State University Pullman Washington USA
2. Research Institute of Child Development and Education University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands
3. Developmental Psychology Radboud University and Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen the Netherlands
4. Cognitive Neuroscience Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen the Netherlands
5. Ewha Social Science Research Institute Ewha Womans University Seoul Republic of Korea
6. Department of Psychology National Autonomous University of Mexico Mexico City Mexico
7. Department of Early Childhood Education Trakya University in Edirne Edirne Turkey
8. Department of Psychology Babes Bolyai University Cluj‐Napoca Romania
9. Department of Psychology and Logopedics University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland
10. Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology University of Murcia Murcia Spain
11. Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine Novosibirsk State University Novosibirsk Russia
12. Neurosciences and Behavior University São Paulo Ribeirão Preto Brazil
13. Faculty of Medical Sciences Universidad de Santiago Santiago Chile
14. Department of Psychology University of Leuven Leuven Belgium
15. Department of Psychology Özyeğin University Istanbul Turkey
16. College of Psychology Capital Normal University Beijing China
17. 0‐3 Center for the at‐Risk Infant Scientific Institute IRCCS Eugenio Medea Lecco Italy
18. Department of Child Development Ewha Womans University Seoul Republic of Korea
19. Psychology Department Bowdoin College Brunswick Maine USA