1. Department of Chemical and Environmental Process Engineering Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology Budapest University of Technology and Economics Műegyetem rkp. 3. H-1111 Budapest Hungary
AbstractCyrene, a renewable, non‐toxic substance having negligible vapor pressure, even at high temperatures, was proposed as a reaction medium for homogeneous Pd‐catalyzed Heck‐coupling reactions. It was first characterized by its temperature‐dependent physicochemical properties, i. e., vapor pressure, density, surface tension, heat capacity, and viscosity, the key parameters of its reaction and process chemistry. Its refractive indices in the function of temperature were also determined. Hereafter, the effect of reaction parameters (Pd source, nature of the base, the water content of the reaction mixture, leaving group (−I, −Br, −Cl, and −OTf of aromatic substrates) on Pd‐catalyzed Heck‐coupling reaction was investigated using iodobenzene and styrene as model substrates. Subsequently, 4‐substituted iodobenzene and styrene derivatives were applied to investigate the effect of electronic parameters on the reaction efficiency and functional group tolerance. To demonstrate the applicability of the system, thirteen stilbene derivatives were isolated with good to high yields and purity (>95 %) using 0.2 mol % of Pd, 1.5 eq. of Et3N as a base, in 1 mL of Cyrene for 2 h at 100 °C.