1. Department of Energy Politecnico di Milano Milan Italy
2. Insitute of Energy and Process Engineering ETH Zurich Switzerland
3. Ruhr‐University Bochum Chair of Energy Systems and Energy Economics Bochum Germany
4. Department of Earth Science and Engineering Imperial College London London UK
5. University of California Irvine Advanced Power and Energy Program Irvine California USA
6. Center for Sustainable Energy Fondazione Bruno Kessler Trento Italy
7. Institute of Sustainable Resources University College London London UK
8. SINTEF Energy Research Trondheim Norway
9. Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands
10. School of Science Aalto University Espoo Finland
11. Centre for Environmental Policy Centre for Process Systems Engineering Imperial College London London UK
12. Centre for Energy Transition & School of Engineering University of Aberdeen Aberdeen UK
13. Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen Switzerland
14. Sustainable Process and Energy System TNO Energy Transition Delft The Netherlands
15. Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway
16. Hydrogen Research Institute University of Quebec in Trois Rivieres Trois‐Rivieres Canada
17. Electrochemistry Laboratory Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen Switzerland
18. Sustainable Technologies for Industrial Processes TNO Energy Transition Petten The Netherlands
19. School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering The University of Sydney Sydney Australia