Wild bird mass mortalities in eastern Canada associated with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus, 2022


Avery‐Gomm Stephanie1ORCID,Barychka Tatsiana1ORCID,English Matthew2ORCID,Ronconi Robert A.2ORCID,Wilhelm Sabina I.3ORCID,Rail Jean‐François4ORCID,Cormier Tabatha5ORCID,Beaumont Matthieu4ORCID,Bowser Campbell5,Burt Tori V.67ORCID,Collins Sydney M.67ORCID,Duffy Steven3ORCID,Giacinti Jolene A.1ORCID,Gilliland Scott5,Giroux Jean‐François89ORCID,Gjerdrum Carina2ORCID,Guillemette Magella10ORCID,Hargan Kathryn E.7ORCID,Jones Megan11,Kennedy Andrew5,Kusalik Liam1,Lair Stéphane12ORCID,Lang Andrew7ORCID,Lavoie Raphael A.13ORCID,Lepage Christine4,McPhail Gretchen6,Montevecchi William A.6ORCID,Parsons Glen J.14,Provencher Jennifer F.1ORCID,Rahman Ishraq7ORCID,Robertson Gregory J.15ORCID,Seyer Yannick410ORCID,Soos Catherine16ORCID,Ward Christopher R. E.3ORCID,Wells Regina17,Wight Jordan7ORCID


1. Environment and Climate Change Canada Wildlife and Landscape Science Directorate Ottawa Ontario Canada

2. Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Dartmouth Nova Scotia Canada

3. Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Mount Pearl Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

4. Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Québec Quebec Canada

5. Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Sackville New Brunswick Canada

6. Department of Psychology Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

7. Department of Biology Memorial University of Newfoundland St. John's Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

8. Département des Sciences Biologiques Université du Québec à Montréal Montréal Quebec Canada

9. Société Duvetnor Ltée Rivière‐du‐Loup Quebec Canada

10. Department of Biology, Chemistry and Geography Université du Québec à Rimouski Rimouski Quebec Canada

11. Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, Atlantic Veterinary College University of Prince Edward Island Charlottetown Prince Edward Island Canada

12. Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Centre québécois sur la santé des animaux sauvages Université de Montréal St‐Hyacinthe Quebec Canada

13. Environment and Climate Change Canada Wildlife and Landscape Science Directorate Québec Quebec Canada

14. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables Halifax Nova Scotia Canada

15. Environment and Climate Change Canada Wildlife and Landscape Science Directorate Mount Pearl Newfoundland and Labrador Canada

16. Environment and Climate Change Canada Wildlife and Landscape Science Directorate Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada

17. Environment and Climate Change Canada Canadian Wildlife Service Happy‐Valley Goose Bay Newfoundland and Labrador Canada


AbstractIn 2022, a severe outbreak of disease caused by clade Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus resulted in unprecedented mortality among wild birds in eastern Canada. Tens of thousands of birds were reported sick or dead, prompting a comprehensive assessment of mortality spanning the breeding season between April 1 and September 30, 2022. Mortality reports were collated from federal, Indigenous, provincial, and municipal agencies, the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, and other nongovernmental organizations, universities, and citizen science platforms. A scenario analysis was conducted to refine mortality estimates, accounting for potential double counts from multiple sources under a range of spatial and temporal overlaps. Correcting for double counting, HPAI is estimated to have caused 40,391 wild bird mortalities in eastern Canada during the spring and summer of 2022; however, this figure underestimates total mortality as it excludes unreported deaths on land and at sea. Seabirds and sea ducks, long‐lived species that are slow to recover from perturbations, accounted for 98.7% of estimated mortalities. Our study provides estimates of bird mortality, with Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus; 25,669), Common Murres (Uria aalge; 8133), and American Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima dresseri; 1894) exhibiting the highest mortality figures. We then compare these mortality estimates with recent population estimates and trends and make an initial assessment of whether biologically meaningful population‐level impacts are possible. Specifically, we focus on the Northern Gannet, a species that has suffered significant global mortality, and two harvested species, Common Murre and American Common Eider, to inform management decisions. Our analysis suggests population‐level impacts in eastern Canada are possible for Northern Gannets and American Common Eiders, but are unlikely for Common Murres. This study demonstrates a comprehensive approach to assessing mortality and underscores the urgent need for further research to understand the broader ecological ramifications of the HPAI outbreak on wild bird populations.


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Memorial University of Newfoundland










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