1. Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management University of California, Berkeley Berkeley California USA
2. School of Biodiversity, One Health, and Veterinary Medicine University of Glasgow Glasgow Scotland
3. Grupo de Ecología Cuantitativa, INIBIOMA‐CONICET Universidad Nacional del Comahue Bariloche Río Negro Argentina
4. Department of Zoology and Physiology University of Wyoming Laramie Wyoming USA
5. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Pinedale Wyoming USA
6. Wyoming Game and Fish Wildlife Health Laboratory Laramie Wyoming USA
7. National Elk Refuge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Jackson Wyoming USA
8. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Jackson Wyoming USA
9. National Park Service Grand Teton National Park Moose Wyoming USA
10. U.S. Geological Survey, Wyoming Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Zoology and Physiology University of Wyoming Laramie Wyoming USA
11. Department of Wildland Resources Utah State University Logan Utah USA
12. Yellowstone Center for Resources National Park Service Yellowstone National Park Wyoming USA