1. Department of Medical Physics; Azienda U.L.S.S. 8; Vicenza 36100 Italy
2. R&D Department; SIT; Aprilia 04011 Italy
3. Department of Medical Physics; S. Filippo Neri Hospital; Rome 00135 Italy
4. Department of Medical Physics; I.R.C.C.S. Institute of Oncology Giovanni Paolo II; Bari 70124 Italy
5. Department of Radiotherapy; Multimedica Hospital; Castellanza 21053 Italy
6. Department of Medical Physics; ASUR MARCHE AV3; Macerata 62100 Italy
7. Department of Medical Physics; IRCCS A.O.U. SAN MARTINO-IST; Genova 16132 Italy
8. Department of Medical Physics; European Institute of Oncology; Milan 20141 Italy
9. Department of Medical Physics; Bellaria Hospital; Bologna 40139 Italy
10. Laboratory of Medical Physics and Expert Systems; Regina Elena National Cancer Institute; Rome 00144 Italy