1. Hospital Clinico Universitario de SantiagoSantiago de CompostelaSpain
2. University of Ioannina School of MedicineIoanninaGreece
3. King's College LondonLondonUK
4. University of OxfordOxfordUK
5. Instituto de Investigacíon Biomédica–Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A CorunaA CorunaSpain
6. Wellcome Trust Sanger InstituteHinxton, CambridgeUK
7. Nottingham City HospitalNottinghamUK
8. University of TartuTartuEstonia
9. University of CantabriaSantanderSpain
10. Hospital Clinico Universitario de Santiago and University of Santiago de CompostelaSantiago de CompostelaSpain
11. deCODE GeneticsReykjavikIceland
12. Erasmus Medical Center and The Netherlands Genomics Initiative–Sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy AgingRotterdamThe Netherlands
13. Leiden University Medical CentreLeidenThe Netherlands
14. Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle UniversityNewcastle upon TyneUK
15. Centre for Integrated Genomic Medical Research, University of ManchesterManchesterUK
16. Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of EdinburghEdinburghUK
17. Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands, and The Netherlands Genomics Initiative–Sponsored Netherlands Consortium for Healthy AgingRotterdamThe Netherlands
18. University of ThessalyLarissaGreece
19. Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell‐Matrix Research, University of ManchesterManchesterUK
20. University of SheffieldSheffieldUK
21. Boston University School of MedicineBostonMA
22. Stanford University School of MedicineStanfordCA