1. Université Bordeaux, Gironde General Cancer Registry Bordeaux France
2. Inserm, Bordeaux Population Health, Research Center U1219, Team EPICENE Bordeaux France
3. Loire‐Atlantique/Vendée Cancer Registry Nantes France
4. CERPOP, Université de Toulouse Toulouse France
5. FRANCIM Network of French Cancer Registries Toulouse France
6. Breast and Gynaecologic Cancer Registry of Côte d'Or, Georges Francois Leclerc Comprehensive Cancer Centre, INSERM U1231, 1 rue Professeur Marion Dijon France
7. Epidemiology and Quality of Life Research Unit INSERM U1231 Dijon France
8. Centre Régional de Coordination des Dépistages des Cancers—Nouvelle Aquitaine, site Gironde Mérignac France
9. Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pôle Santé Publique, Service de Biostatistique—Bioinformatique Lyon France
10. Biometrics and Evolutionary Biology Laboratory, Biostatistics and Health team Lyon University, Lyon 1 University, CNRS, UMR 5558 Villeurbanne France