1. Vestal , A.D. Taber , R.E. Shoemaker , W.J. 1955 Medical-Legd Aspects of Tissue Homotransplantation. 18 University of Detroit Law Journal, 271.
2. Wasmuth , C.E. Stewart , B.H. 1965 Medical and Legal Aspects of Human Organ Transplantation. 14 Cleveland-Marshd Law Review, 442, 443.
3. 1965 Control of Life. Vol. 59: No. 11, p. 59 (Sept. 10); No. 12, Part 2, p. 78 (Sept. 17); No. 13, Part 3, p. 66 (Sept. 24); No. 14, Part 4, p.94 (Oct.1).
4. Wasmuth and Stewart, see Ref. 2, p.443.
5. Wasmuth and Stewart, see Ref. 2, p.45.