1. and , “Redeveloping Industrial Buildings: Clearing the Environmental Hurdles,” Clayton Environmental Consultants, Novi, Michigan, pp. 1–2 (Mar. 1997).
2. American Petroleum Institute (API), “Removal and Disposal of Used Underground Storage Tanks,” 2nd ed., API Recommend Practice 1604, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D.C., p. 9 (Dec. 1987).
3. Michigan Department of Natural Resources, “Michigan Underground Storage Tank Rules,” Environmental Response Division, Lansing, Michigan, p. 74 (Jan. 1991).
4. State of Michigan, “Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, Part 201,” Department of Environmental Quality, Lansing, Michigan, p. 270 (Feb. 1995).
5. United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Field Manual for Grid Sampling of PCB Spill Sites to Verify Cleanup,” Office of Toxic Substances, EPA 560/5–86–017, Washington, D.C., p. 49 (1986).