1. Deutsches Institut für Urbanistik (DIfU) “Ersatzneubau Kommunale Straßenbrücken,” Berlin 2013
2. EN 10025-5, Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance Brussels European Committee for Standardisation 2005
3. ECCS - European Convention for Constructional Steelwork, The Use of Weathering Steel in Bridges Brussels ECCS 2001
4. ArcelorMittal Europe - Long Products, “HISTAR product brochure,” 2017 http://sections.arcelormittal.com/library/product-catalogues.html
5. DIBt - Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik ETA-10/0156 Long products made of HISTAR 355/355L und HISTAR 460/460L Berlin 2015