MTO1 Mutations are Associated with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy and Lactic Acidosis and Cause Respiratory Chain Deficiency in Humans and Yeast


Baruffini Enrico1,Dallabona Cristina1,Invernizzi Federica2,Yarham John W.3,Melchionda Laura2,Blakely Emma L.3,Lamantea Eleonora2,Donnini Claudia1,Santra Saikat4,Vijayaraghavan Suresh4,Roper Helen P.5,Burlina Alberto6,Kopajtich Robert78,Walther Anett78,Strom Tim M.78,Haack Tobias B.78,Prokisch Holger78,Taylor Robert W.3,Ferrero Ileana1,Zeviani Massimo9,Ghezzi Daniele2


1. Department of Life Sciences; University of Parma; Parma Italy

2. Unit of Molecular Neurogenetics; Fondazione IRCCS (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico) Istituto Neurologico “CarloBesta”; Milan Italy

3. Wellcome Trust Centre for Mitochondrial Research; Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne UK

4. Department of Clinical Inherited Metabolic Disorders; Birmingham Children's Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; Birmingham UK

5. Department of Child Health; Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust; Birmingham UK

6. Division of Inborn Errors of Metabolism; Department of Paediatrics, University Hospital; Padua Italy

7. Institute of Human Genetics; Helmholtz Zentrum München; Neuherberg Germany

8. Institute of Human Genetics; Technische Universitat München; Munich Germany

9. MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit; Cambridge UK


Italian Ministry of Health

Fondazione Telethon


Pierfranco and Luisa Mariani Foundation of Italy

Italian Association of Mitochondrial Disease Patients and Families (Mitocon)

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

German Network for Mitochondrial Disorders


EU FP7 Mitochondrial European Educational Training project (Meet)

Medical Research Council (UK)

A Wellcome Trust Strategic Award

UK NHS Specialist Commissioners

Medical Research Council (UK) Centenary Early Career Award




Genetics (clinical),Genetics

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