Climate change: The necessary, the possible and the desirable Earth League climate statement on the implications for climate policy from the 5th IPCC Assessment


Rockström Johan1,Brasseur Guy2,Hoskins Brian3,Lucht Wolfgang4,Schellnhuber John4,Kabat Pavel5,Nakicenovic Nebojsa5,Gong Peng6,Schlosser Peter7,Máñez Costa Maria8,Humble April8,Eyre Nick9,Gleick Peter10,James Rachel9,Lucena Andre11,Masera Omar12,Moench Marcus13,Schaeffer Roberto11,Seitzinger Sybil14,van der Leeuw Sander15,Ward Bob16,Stern Nicholas16,Hurrell James17,Srivastava Leena18,Morgan Jennifer19,Nobre Carlos20,Sokona Youba21,Cremades Roger8,Roth Ellinor8,Liverman Diana22,Arnott James23


1. Stockholm Resilience Centre; Stockholm University; Sweden

2. Max Planck Institute for Meteorology; Germany

3. Grantham Institute for Climate Change; Imperial College London; UK

4. Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research; Potsdam Germany

5. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Laxenburg Austria

6. Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management; University of California; Berkeley California USA

7. Earth Institute, Columbia University; New York USA

8. Climate service Center 2.0; Helmholtz Zentrum; Geesthacht Germany

9. Environment Change Institute; University of Oxford; Oxford UK

10. Pacific Institute; Oakland California USA

11. Energy Planning Program, Graduate School of Engineering; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Rio de Janeiro Brazil

12. Bioenergy Laboratory; National Autonomous University of Mexico; Mexico City Mexico

13. Institute for Social and Environmental Transition; Boulder, Colorado USA

14. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme; Stockholm Sweden

15. School of Sustainability; Arizona State University; Phoenix Arizona USA

16. Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment; London School of Economics and Political Science; London UK

17. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR); Boulder Colorado USA

18. TERI University; New Delhi India

19. World Resources Institute; Washington D.C. USA

20. National Institute for Space Research (INPE); São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo Brazil

21. The South Center; Geneva Switzerland

22. Institute of the Environment - University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA

23. Aspen Global Change Institute; Basalt Colorado USA


American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),General Environmental Science

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