1. Infectious Diseases Sector Veterinary Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary (HOVET‐FAVET) Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) Cuiabá MT Brazil
2. Imaging Diagnostic Service HOVET‐FAVET UFMT Cuiabá MT Brazil
3. Laboratory of Veterinary Pathology HOVET‐FAVET UFMT Cuiabá MT Brazil
4. Laboratory of Microbiology and Molecular Biology HOVET‐FAVET UFMT Cuiabá MT Brazil
5. Department of Veterinary Hygiene and Public Health São Paulo State University (UNESP) Botucatu SP Brazil
6. Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsiosis HOVET‐FAVET UFMT Cuiabá MT Brazil