1. D. L. Rousseau and J. M. Friedman, Biological Applications of Raman Spectroscopy 3, ed. T. G. Spiro (Wiley, New York, 1987) p. 133.
2. T. M. Loehr and A. K. Shiemke, Biological Applications of Raman Spectroscopy 3, ed. T. G. Spiro (Wiley, New York, 1987) p. 439.
3. M. Stockburger, Spectroscopy of Biological Systems, eds. R. J. H. Clark and R. E. Hester (Wiley, New York, 1986) p. 483.
4. Resonance Raman, CARS, and Picosecond Absorption Spectroscopy of Copper Porphyrins: The Evidence for the Exciplex Formation with Oxygen-Containing Solvent Molecules