1. Univ. Bordeaux; CNRS UMR 5255; Bordeaux INP; ENSCBP; 33607 Pessac France
2. Department of Chemistry; Faculty of Science, NANOTEC-KU Center of Excellence on Nanoscale Materials Design for Green Nanotechnology, and Center for Advanced Studies in Nanotechnology for Chemical, Food and Agricultural Industries; Kasetsart University; Bangkok 10900 Thailand
3. CNRS; Univ. Bordeaux; ICMCB; UPR 9048; 33600 Pessac France
4. PLACAMAT; UMS 3626; CNRS-Université Bordeaux; 33600 Pessac France
5. Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology; Rayong 21210 Thailand