1. Department of Biomolecular Systems; Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces; Am Mühlenberg 1 14476 Potsdam Germany
2. Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Freie Universität Berlin; Arnimallee 22 14195 Berlin Germany
3. Fibre and Polymer Technology; Royal Institute of Technology; Stockholm 100 44 Sweden
4. Wallenberg Wood Science Center; KTH Royal Institute of Technology; Stockholm 100 44 Sweden
5. Current address: University of Potsdam; Department of Chemistry; Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25 14476 Potsdam Germany
6. Wallenberg Wood Science Center and Biopolymer Technology; Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; Chalmers University of Technology; Gothenburg 412 96 Sweden