1. , , and 1986. Genetic Improvement of Willows for Energy Forestry in Sweden. Report 43, Section of Energy Forestry, Department of Ecology and Environmental Research. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, 47 pp.
2. 1986. Interceptionens och Stamrinningens Beroende av Beståndsutveckling i Energiskog (Dependence of Interception and Stemflow on Stand Development in an Energy Forest; In Swedish with English abstract), C-uppsats i Hydrologi, Section of Hydrology. University of Uppsala, Uppsala, 12 pp.
3. 1980. Statistical Analysis of Precipitation Data. Part II - Frequency Analysis of Monthly Precipitation Data, (In Swedish with English Summary), SMHI Reports. Meteorology and Climatology No. RMK 17. SMHI, Norrköping, 150 pp.
4. A soil-plant-atmosphere model for transpiration and availability of soil water