1. Environmental Protection Agency, Rodenticides on farm and rangelands (paras 96-12), in Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision G, ed by and Office of Pesticide Programs (EPA-540/9-82-026), Washington, DC, pp 1-49, 313-315, 337-339 (1982).
2. Environmental Protection Agency, Hazard Evaluation: Wildlife and Aquatic Organisms (paras 71-5), in Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision E, ed by and Office of Pesticide Programs (EPA-540/9-82-024), Washington, DC, pp 57-66 (1982).
3. Environmental Protection Agency, Ecological Effects Test Guidelines: OPPTS 850.2500 Field Testing for Terrestrial Wildlife (Public Draft), Office of Prevention, Pesticides and Toxic Substances (7101) (EPA-712-C-96-144), Washington, DC, pp 44 (1996).
4. Evaluation of three relative abundance indices for assessing dingo populations