1. School of Basic Medical ScienceGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou China
2. Department of Pharmacology, School of Chinese Material MedicineGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou China
3. The Third Affiliated HospitalSun Yat‐Sen University Guangzhou China
4. The Second Clinical CollegeGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou China
5. Zhongshan School of MedicineSun Yat‐Sen University Guangzhou China
6. Eugene McDermott Center for Human Growth & DevelopmentUniversity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas TX USA
7. School of Acupuncture and RehabilitationGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou China
8. The First Clinical College, The First Affiliated HospitalGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou China
9. Personnel DepartmentGuangzhou University of Chinese Medicine Guangzhou China