1. medically assisted dying
2. Terminology of Assisted Dying https://www.deathwithdignity.org/terminology/
3. K. Butler Aid in Dying or Assisted Suicide? What to Do When Every Phrase Is Fraught Center for Health Journalism Member Blog 2015 https://www.centerforhealthjournalism.org/2015/10/23/aid-dying-or-assisted-suicide-what-do-when-neutral-terms-can%E2%80%99t-be-found
4. physician-assisted suicide
5. American Association of Suicidology Statement of the American Association of Suicidology: ‘Suicide’ Is Not the Same as ‘Physician Aid in Dying,’ 2017 https://ohiooptions.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/AAS-PAD-Statement-Approved-10.30.17-ed-10-30-17.pdf