1. Clinic of Hematology Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale Bellinzona Switzerland
2. Laboratory of Experimental Hematology Institute of Oncology Research Bellinzona Switzerland
3. Clinic for Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Imaging Institute of Southern Switzerland Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale Lugano Switzerland
4. Department of Translational Medicine Division of Hematology University of Eastern Piedmont Novara Italy
5. Department of Hematology ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda Milan Italy
6. Division of Hematology Cantonal Hospital of Lucerne Lucerne Switzerland
7. Ospedale di Circolo of Varese & Department of Medicine and Surgery Hematology University of Insubria Varese Italy
8. University of Zurich Zurich Switzerland
9. Faculty of Biomedical Sciences Università della Svizzera italiana Lugano Switzerland