Synthesis, X-Ray Crystal Structure and Reactivity of Dichloro(phthalocyaninato)niobium(IV) (New Polymorph) and Trichloro(phthalocyaninato)niobium(V)




1. Dipartimento di Chimica, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, p. le A. Moro 5, 00185 Roma, Italy

2. Dipartimento di Chimica Generale ed Inorganica, Chimica Analitica, Chimica Fisica, Università di Parma, Viale delle Scienze, I-43100 Parma, Italy


Dichloro(phthalocyaninato)niobium(IV), PcNbCl 2, has been isolated as a new polymorph and its X-ray crystal structure solved. Crystals are triclinic: formula C 32 H 16 Cl 2 N 8 Nb , space group P1, cell parameters a = 8.707(2) Å, b = 12.288(3) Å, c = 12.801(3) Å, α = 80.72(2) °, β = 85.43(2) °, γ = 76.62(2) °, V = 1313.7(6) Å3, Z = 2. The molecular structure closely resembles that already found for the monoclinic polymorph. Thus, Nb ( IV ) is six-coordinated in a cis arrangement, being displaced out of the inner N 4 square planar system of the phthalocyanine ring by 0.898(1) Å, towards the two chlorine atoms (average Nb - N ( Pc ) bond distance: 2.130(15) Å; Nb-Cl bond distances: 2.408(1) and 2.396(1) Å; angle Cl1-Nb-Cl2: 80.7 °). The main difference between the two polymorphs is the different stacking of the molecules in the crystal lattice. PcNbCl 3 is also triclinic: formula C 32 H 16 Cl 3 N 8 Nb , space group P1, cell parameters a = 12.086(2) Å, b = 13.710(2) Å, c = 8.345(1) Å, α = 93.49(2) °, β = 100.95(2) °, γ = 79.79(2) °, V = 1335.6(4)Å3, Z = 2. In the molecular structure the Pc chromophore and the three chlorine atoms are at opposite sites with respect to the Nb atom, which is seven coordinate (average Nb-N ( Pc ) bond distance: 2.178(5) Å; Nb-Cl bond distances: 2.482(1), 2.426(1) and 2.380(1) Å; angles Cl-Nb-Cl : 85.3(0), 80.3(0), and 76.5(0) °). The stability of PcNbCl 2 and PcNbCl 3 towards water has been examined. The reactivity of PcNbCl 2 with pyrocathecol, oxalic acid, H 2 SO 4 and iodine has also been examined and has led to the isolation and characterization of the following Nb ( IV ) and Nb ( V ) species: PcNb IV (cat), PcNb IV (oxal), PcNb IV SO 4, PcNb V Cl 2 I , PcNb V (cat)I.


World Scientific Pub Co Pte Lt


General Chemistry

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