1. Mount, D.I. and T.J.Norberg-King, eds. 1985. Validity of effluent and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact, Scippo Creek, Circleville, Ohio. EPA/600/3-85/044. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, MN.
2. Mount, D.I., A.E.Steen and T.J.Norberg-King, eds. 1985. Validity of effluent and ambient toxicity testing for predicting biological impact, Five Mile Creek, Birmingham, Alabama. EPA/600/8-85/015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, MN.
3. Norberg-King, T.J. and D.I.Mount, eds. 1986. Validity of effluent and ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact, Skeleton Creek, Enid, Oklahoma. EPA/600/8-86/002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, MN.
4. Mount, D.I., A.E. Steen and T.Norberg-King, eds. 1986. Validity of ambient toxicity tests for predicting biological impact, Ohio River, Near Wheeling, West Virginia. EPA/600/3-85/071. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Duluth, MN.