1. Equation of state for detonation products of PBX 9404 and LX04-01
2. E. L. Lee H. C. Hornig J. W. Kury Adiabatic Expansion Of High Explosive Detonation Products Lawrence Radiation Laboratory University of California UCRL-504221968.
3. J. E. Kennedy Gurney Energy of Explosives: Estimation of the Velocity and Impulse Imparted to Driven Metal Sandia National Laboratories SC-RR-7P-7901970.
4. P. C. Souers P. A. Vitello Detonation Energy Densities from the Cylinder Test. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory LLNL-TR-6664202015.
5. Optimizing Code Calibration of the JWL Explosive Equation-of-State to the Cylinder Test