UXO and environmental risk factors impacting EOD operations in German waters**


Frey Torsten1ORCID


1. DeepSea Monitoring Group – Division of Marine Biogeochemistry GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel Wischhofstraße 1–3 24148 Kiel Germany


AbstractThis article presents risk factors that are associated with the handling of unexploded ordnance (UXO) during explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) operations in German waters. The construction of offshore wind parks and the German immediate action program are expected to increase the number of EOD operations. Existing literature and guidelines do not offer a structured and reproducible framework for assessing EOD risk. To fill this gap, a network of EOD risk factors was developed by means of a literature review and validation via expert consultation. The study was scoped to “personnel and equipment at the EOD location” as the risk receptor and “undesired detonation” as the undesired event under investigation. Factors are subdivided into UXO factors that depend on the object that should be handled and factors that describe the object's surrounding environment. While the former can be researched by an EOD expert, the latter must be measured on site or acquired from a model. Each of these factors contributes to risk, some directly and others indirectly via other factors. The complexity of the resulting network, with its 33 factors, demonstrates the need for a reliable and reproducible model to quantify EOD risk. Its purpose is not to replace EOD experts but to aid them in their decision‐making process. Such a tool can provide valuable support for the high‐cost and high‐risk EOD operations.




General Chemical Engineering,General Chemistry

Reference103 articles.

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