Making it explicit – Sustained shared thinking dialogue as a way to explore children's perspectives on quality in German early childhood education and care


Macha Katrin1ORCID,Hildebrandt Frauke1,Wronski Caroline1,Lonnemann Jan2,Urban Mathias3


1. Department of Social and Education Sciences University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Germany

2. Department of Empirical Childhood Research University of Potsdam Potsdam Germany

3. Early Childhood Research Centre Dublin City University Dublin Ireland


AbstractTo negotiate quality in early childhood education and care, we must ask from different perspectives what constitutes a good centre for children. The children themselves have only recently been identified as a resource to contribute to that discussion. Several studies have described profound methodologies to obtain children's perspectives by observing, interviewing and conducting group discussions. This article introduces research that combines exploring children's perspectives with sustained shared thinking (SST). Focussing on the dialogue following the rules of SST, we conducted and analysed group discussions with children about their lives within a children's centre in Berlin, Germany. The children were asked to think about aspects of quality. They expressed their ideas, wishes, likes and dislikes within the centre explicitly and profoundly. Following the lead of these children, a dialogue developed in which children and researchers contributed equally and led the way. This showed how well children could act out their agency and were capable of expressing rational and reasonable opinions. Here, we argue that SST helps to see the pedagogical side of exploring children's perspectives and acknowledges this as a pedagogical and political act. Children experience being heard and having a say in shaping situations. This is in itself a pedagogical situation a researcher should be aware of.



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