1. Auna Especialidades Veterinarias IVCEVIDENSIA Paterna Valencia Spain
2. Mouse and Comparative Pathology Unit. Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery Veterinary Faculty Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès) Barcelona Spain
AbstractDiffuse neurofibroma affects skin and subcutaneous tissues of the head and neck of children and young adults. Fourteen cases have been described in dogs, but none infiltrating a puppy's cranial cavity. A 4‐month‐old, female entire Pitbull was referred with a 2‐month history of left facial nerve paralysis, difficulty swallowing and left head tilt suggesting multifocal neurolocalisation. Computed tomography revealed an extra‐axial mass occupying the left nasal cavity, extending caudally along the skull base and following multiple cranial nerves (optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal) exiting the skull through their respective foramina and continuing across their peripheral pathways. A superficial facial nerve biopsy was obtained leading to a diagnosis of neurofibroma. Treatment with corticosteroids showed lack of response, so no long‐term treatment was prescribed. Twenty‐one months after diagnosis, the dog remains stable without treatment, suggesting a very slow growth with acceptable long‐term quality of life.