1. Methods to enhance sharing between non-GSO FSS systems (except MSS feeder links) in the frequency bands b 30 GHz, Recommendation ITU-R S.1431.
2. Working Document Towards a Preliminary Draft New Recommendation on a Definition of a Non-GSO FSS System Interference Environment Metric for Co-directional Frequency Sharing Between Non-GSO FSS Systems, Doc. 4A/455, February 2000.
3. Methodology to access the interference environment in relation to RR Nos. 9. 12, 9.12A and 9.13 when non-GSO FSS systems are involved, Recommendation ITU-R S.152.
4. Maximum Permissible Levels of Interference in a Satellite Network(GSO/FSS; Non-GSO/FSS; Non-GSO/MSS feeder Links) in the Fixed-Satellite Service Caused by other Codirectional FSS Networks 30 GHz, Recommendation ITU-R S.1323-2.
5. An analytical method for assessing interference in interference environments involving NGSO satellite networks