Military Sexual Assault in Transgender Veterans: Results From a Nationwide Survey


Beckman Kerry1,Shipherd Jillian2345,Simpson Tracy67,Lehavot Keren178


1. Department of Health Services Research; University of Washington; Seattle Washington USA

2. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health Program; Department of Veterans Affairs; Washington District of Columbia USA

3. VA Boston Healthcare System; Boston Massachusetts USA

4. National Center for PTSD; Women's Health Sciences Division; Boston Massachusetts USA

5. Boston University School of Medicine; Boston Massachusetts USA

6. Center of Excellence in Substance Abuse and Treatment (CESATE); VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Seattle Washington USA

7. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; University of Washington; Seattle Washington USA

8. Health Services Research and Development Center of Innovation (COIN); VA Puget Sound Health Care System; Seattle Washington USA


Williams Institute Small Grants Program

Health Services Research and Development

University of Washington

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Office of Research and Development

VA Puget Sound Health Care System

VA Boston Health Care System

Clinical Science Research & Development (CSR&D)




Psychiatry and Mental health,Clinical Psychology

Reference54 articles.

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2. Relationship quality and domestic violence in women's same-sex relationships: The role of minority stress;Balsam;Psychology of Women Quarterly,2005

3. Sexual violence victimization of women: Prevalence, characteristics, and the role of public health and prevention;Basile;American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine,2011

4. Initial reliability and validity of a new retrospective measure of child abuse and neglect;Bernstein;The American Journal of Psychiatry,1994







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