1. Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials and Joint International Research Laboratory of Precision Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringFeringa Nobel Prize Scientist Joint Research CenterSchool of Chemistry and Molecular EngineeringEast China University of Science and Technology 130 Meilong Rd Shanghai 200237 China
2. Department of ChemistryUniversity of Texas at Austin 105 E 24th street A5300 Austin TX 78712‐1224 USA
3. National Center for Drug ScreeningState Key Laboratory of Drug ResearchShanghai Institute of Materia MedicaChinese Academy of Sciences 189 Guo Shoujing Rd Shanghai 201203 China
4. Department of Chemistry and Nano ScienceEwha Womans University Seoul 120‐750 South Korea
5. Department of ChemistryUniversity of Bath Bath BA2 7AY UK