Congenital anomalies associated with trisomy 18 or trisomy 13: A registry-based study in 16 european countries, 2000-2011


Springett Anna1,Wellesley Diana2,Greenlees Ruth3,Loane Maria3,Addor Marie-Claude4,Arriola Larraitz5,Bergman Jorieke6,Cavero-Carbonell Clara7,Csaky-Szunyogh Melinda8,Draper Elizabeth S.9,Garne Ester10,Gatt Miriam11,Haeusler Martin12,Khoshnood Babak13,Klungsoyr Kari14,Lynch Catherine15,Dias Carlos Matias16,McDonnell Robert17,Nelen Vera18,O'Mahony Mary19,Pierini Anna20,Queisser-Luft Annette21,Rankin Judith22,Rissmann Anke23,Rounding Catherine24,Stoianova Sylvia25,Tuckerz David26,Zymak-Zakutnia Natalya27,Morris Joan K.1


1. Wolfson Institute; Queen Mary University of London; London United Kingdom

2. Faculty of Medicine; University of Southampton and Wessex Clinical Genetics Service; Southampton United Kingdom

3. Institute of Nursing Research; University of Ulster; Newtownabbey United Kingdom

4. Division of Medical Genetics; Lausanne Switzerland

5. Public Health Division of Gipuzkoa; Instituto BIO-Donostia, Basque Government; CIBER Epidemiologia y Salud Publica - CIBERESP; Spain

6. Department of Genetics; University Medical Center Groningen; University of Groningen; Groningen The Netherlands

7. Rare Diseases Research Area; FISABIO-Public Health; Valencia Spain

8. National Public Health and Medical Officer Service (NPHMOS); Budapest Hungary

9. Department of Health Sciences; University of Leicester; Leicester United Kingdom

10. Paediatric Department; Hospital Lillebaelt; Kolding Denmark

11. Department of Health Information and Research; Guardamangia Malta

12. Medical University of Graz; Graz Austria

13. INSERM; Paris France

14. Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, Norway and Medical Birth Registry of Norway, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Bergen; Norway

15. Health Service Executive; Kilkenny Ireland

16. Centro de Estudos e registo de A C; Lisbon Portugal

17. Health Service Executive; Dublin Ireland

18. Provincial Institute for Hygiene; Antwerp Belgium

19. Health Service Executive; Cork Ireland

20. CNR Institute of Clinical Physiology; Pisa Italy

21. University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University; Mainz Germany

22. Institute of Health & Society, Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom

23. Medical Faculty Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg; Magdeburg Germany

24. University of Oxford; Oxford United Kingdom

25. St Michael's Hospital; Bristol United Kingdom

26. Public Health Wales; Swansea United Kingdom

27. OMNI-Net Ukraine and Khmelnytsky Perinatal Center, Khmelnytsky; Ukraine




Genetics (clinical),Genetics

Reference20 articles.

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5. Population-based study of congenital heart defects in Down syndrome;Freeman;Am J Med Genet,1998

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