1. Netherlands Rett Expertise Center–GKCMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastrichtThe Netherlands
2. Neurodegeneration and NeuroinflamationImperial College LondonLondonUnited Kingdom
3. The National Swedish Rett CenterFrösönSweden
4. Tuscany Rett CenterVersilia HospitalCamaiore (Lucca)Italy
5. Medical Genetic UnitFerrara University HospitalFerraraItaly
6. Institute of Neurological SciencesSouthern General Hospital, NHS Greater, Glasgow and ClydeFerraraUnited Kingdom
7. Regional Neuroscience CenterKing's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and King's College LondonLondonUnited Kingdom
8. Clinical GenomicsMaastricht University Medical CenterMaastrichtThe Netherlands
9. Division of NeurologyVersilia HospitalCamaiore (Lucca)Italy
10. Department of Methodology and StatisticsSchool for Public Health and Primary Care CAPHRI, Maastricht UniversityMaastrichtThe Netherlands