Organic aerosol composition and sources in Pasadena, California, during the 2010 CalNex campaign


Hayes P. L.12,Ortega A. M.13,Cubison M. J.12,Froyd K. D.14,Zhao Y.5,Cliff S. S.5,Hu W. W.16,Toohey D. W.3,Flynn J. H.7,Lefer B. L.7,Grossberg N.7,Alvarez S.7,Rappenglück B.7,Taylor J. W.8,Allan J. D.89,Holloway J. S.14,Gilman J. B.14,Kuster W. C.4,de Gouw J. A.14,Massoli P.10,Zhang X.11,Liu J.11,Weber R. J.11,Corrigan A. L.12,Russell L. M.12,Isaacman G.13,Worton D. R.1314,Kreisberg N. M.14,Goldstein A. H.13,Thalman R.12,Waxman E. M.12,Volkamer R.12,Lin Y. H.15,Surratt J. D.15,Kleindienst T. E.16,Offenberg J. H.16,Dusanter S.171819,Griffith S.17,Stevens P. S.17,Brioude J.14,Angevine W. M.14,Jimenez J. L.12


1. Cooperative Institute for Research in the Environmental Sciences; University of Colorado Boulder; Boulder Colorado USA

2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; University of Colorado Boulder; Boulder Colorado USA

3. Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; University of Colorado Boulder; Boulder Colorado USA

4. NOAA Chemical Sciences Division; Boulder Colorado USA

5. Air Quality Research Center; University of California; Davis California USA

6. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; Peking University; Beijing China

7. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; University of Houston; Houston Texas USA

8. School of Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences; University of Manchester; Manchester UK

9. National Centre for Atmospheric Science; University of Manchester; Manchester UK

10. Aerodyne Research Inc.; Billerica Massachusetts USA

11. Georgia Institute of Technology; Atlanta Georgia USA

12. Scripps Institution of Oceanography; University of California, San Diego; La Jolla California USA

13. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management; University of California; Berkeley California USA

14. Aerosol Dynamics Inc.; Berkeley California USA

15. Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Chapel Hill North Carolina USA

16. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Research Triangle Park North Carolina USA

17. Center for Research in Environmental Science, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, and Department of Chemistry; Indiana University; Bloomington Indiana USA

18. Université Lille Nord de France; Lille France

19. EMDouai; Douai France



DOE (BER, ASR Program)

Natural Environment Research Council

National Science Foundation




American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Space and Planetary Science,Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Atmospheric Science,Geophysics







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