1. Department of Human GeneticsRadboud university medical center Nijmegen The Netherlands
2. Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences Nijmegen The Netherlands
3. Friedrich‐Alexander‐Universität Erlangen‐Nürnberg (FAU)Institute of Human Genetics Erlangen Germany
4. Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology Utrecht The Netherlands
5. Department of Medical Biology, Cerrahpasa Medical FacultyIstanbul University Istanbul Turkey
6. Department of PediatricsChildren's University Hospital, Comenius University Bratislava Slovakia
7. Department for Health EvidenceRadboud Institute for Health Sciences, Radboud university medical center Nijmegen The Netherlands
8. Department of PediatricsRadboudumc Amalia's Children's Hospital Nijmegen The Netherlands
9. Department of PathologyUniversity Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands
10. Theodor‐Boveri‐Institute/Biocenter, Developmental Biochemistry, and Comprehensive Cancer Center MainfrankenUniversity of Würzburg Würzburg Germany
11. Department of Pediatric Hematology and OncologySaarland University, Medical Center Homburg/Saar Homburg Germany
12. Kiel Pediatric Tumor Registry, Section of Pediatric Pathology, Department of PathologyChristian Albrechts University Kiel Germany
13. Institute of Pathology, University Hospital ErlangenFriedrich‐Alexander University Erlangen‐Nuremberg Erlangen Germany
14. Department of GeneticsUniversity Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands
15. Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent MedicineFriedrich‐Alexander‐Universität Erlangen‐Nürnberg (FAU) Erlangen Germany