Surveillance and early warning systems of infectious disease in China: From 2012 to 2014


Zhang Honglong1,Wang Liping2,Lai Shengjie23,Li Zhongjie2,Sun Qiao4,Zhang Peng564


1. Center for Global Public HealthChinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Beijing China

2. Division of Infectious Diseases, Key Laboratory of Surveillance and Early‐warning on Infectious DiseaseChinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Beijing China

3. WorldPop, Department of Geography and EnvironmentUniversity of Southampton Southampton UK

4. Shanghai Pudong New Area Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Pudong Institute of Preventive MedicineFudan University Shanghai China

5. School of Public HealthFudan University Shanghai China

6. Pudong Institute for Health Development Shanghai China




Health Policy

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