Experimental study of occupants' situational awareness during a fire by sounding of wireless, interconnected alarm smoke detectors at a small‐scale hostel that was originally a single‐family house


Minegishi Yoshikazu1ORCID,Takahashi Wataru2,Ikehata Yuka3


1. Department of Fire Engineering Building Research Institute Tsukuba Japan

2. ING Co. Ltd. Tokyo Japan

3. Taisei Advanced Center of Technology, Taisei Corporation Yokohama Japan


AbstractIn recent years, there has been an increasing demand for small‐scale hostels, such as vacation rentals, known as “minpaku” in Japanese, which were originally single‐family houses. To convert these buildings for use as accommodation facilities, improvements must be made to fire evacuation safety measures. An effective and reasonable measure for this improvement is the installation of wireless, interconnected alarm smoke detectors. We conducted experiments to examine how sleeping guests recognize these alarms when they are activated. Eleven participants experienced the alarm sounding while sleeping at night and while awake during the daytime at a wooden cottage. They were exposed to three different sounding patterns. In the sleeping experiment, 9 of 11 participants were woken up by alarms sounding in other rooms, while the remaining two were woken up by alarms in their own rooms. However, those two participants had difficulty understanding the meaning of the voice alarm clearly. The voice stated, “Other detector was activated,” indicating a fire in another room and urging evacuation, even though there was no smoke in their room. Comprehension of the alarm system is essential for guests to understand its intentions accurately and make proper decisions regarding evacuation.



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