Field experience with the 8‐HPV‐type oncoprotein test for cervical cancer screening among HPV‐positive women living with and without HIV in LMICs


Downham Laura1ORCID,Rol Mary Luz1,Forestier Mathilde1,Romero Pilar2,Mendoza Laura3,Mongelós Pamela3,Picconi María Alejandra4,Colucci María Celeste4,Padin Valeria Mariel4,Flores Ana Paula5,Zúñiga Michael5,Ferrera Annabelle6,Cabrera Yessy6,Crispín Marcela Farfan7,Ramirez Arianis Tatiana1,Cele Londiwe8,Diop‐Ndiaye Halimatou9,Samaté Dianke9,Manga Pascaline9,Thiam Fadimatou Bintou9,Rodriguez Maria Isabel3,DSouza Jyoshma P.1,Nyaga Victoria Nyawira10,Diop Mamadou9,Sebitloane Motshedisi8,Sánchez Gloria Inés11,Teran Carolina7,Calderon Alejandro12,Wiesner Carolina2,Murillo Raul113,Herrero Rolando112,Baena Armando1ORCID,Almonte Maribel1


1. Early Detection, Prevention and Infections Branch International Agency for Research on Cancer Lyon France

2. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología Bogota Colombia

3. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Salud Universidad Nacional de Asunción San Lorenzo Paraguay

4. Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Infecciosas‐ANLIS Dr Malbrán Buenos Aires Argentina

5. Agencia Costarricense de Investigaciones Biomédicas (ACIB) Fundación Inciensa Guanacaste Costa Rica

6. Instituto de Investigaciones en Microbiología, Escuela de Microbiología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Tegucigalpa Honduras

7. Facultad de Medicina Universidad Mayor, Real y Pontificia de San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca Sucre Bolivia

8. University of Kwazulu Natal Durban South Africa

9. Laboratoire Bactériologie‐Virologie CHU Aristide le Dantec Dakar Senegal

10. Department of Cancer Epidemiology Scientific Institute of Public Health Brussels Belgium

11. Grupo Infección y Cáncer Universidad de Antioquia Medellin Colombia

12. Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social Puntarenas Costa Rica

13. Centro Javeriano de Oncología Hospital Universitario San Ignacio Bogotá Colombia


AbstractOverexpression of HPV‐oncoproteins E6 and E7 is necessary for HPV‐driven cervical carcinogenesis. Hence, these oncoproteins are promising disease‐specific biomarkers. We assessed the technical and operational characteristics of the 8‐HPV‐type OncoE6/E7 Cervical Test in different laboratories using cervical samples from HPV‐positive women living with (WLWH) and without HIV. The 8‐HPV‐type OncoE6/E7 Test (for short: “OncoE6/E7 test”) was performed in 2833 HIV‐negative women and 241 WLWH attending multicentric studies in Latin America (ESTAMPA study), and in Africa (CESTA study). Oncoprotein positivity were evaluated at each testing site, according to HIV status as well as type‐specific agreement with HPV‐DNA results. A feedback questionnaire was given to the operators performing the oncoprotein test to evaluate their impression and acceptability regarding the test. The OncoE6/E7 test revealed a high positivity rate heterogeneity across all testing sites (I2: 95.8%, p < .01) with significant lower positivity in WLWH compared to HIV‐negative women (12% vs 25%, p < .01). A similar HPV‐type distribution was found between HPV DNA genotyping and oncoprotein testing except for HPV31 and 33 (moderate agreement, k = 0.57). Twenty‐one laboratory technicians were trained on oncoprotein testing. Despite operators' concerns about the time‐consuming procedure and perceived need for moderate laboratory experience, they reported the OncoE6/E7 test as easy to perform and user‐friendly for deployment in resource‐limited settings. The high positivity rate variability found across studies and subjectivity in test outcome interpretation could potentially results in oncoprotein false positive/negative, and thus the need for further refinements before implementation of the oncoprotein testing in screen‐triage‐and‐treat approaches is warranted.


Centre International de Recherche sur le Cancer

National Cancer Institute



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