Equivalent static wind load based on displacement mode and load combination for high‐rise buildings


Guan Haiwei123,Tian Yuji45,Chen Weihu4,Qi Yuliang12


1. Guangzhou Research Institute of Construction Industry Co., Ltd. Guangzhou China

2. Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. Guangzhou China

3. South China University Of Technology Guangzhou China

4. School of Civil Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing China

5. Beijing's Key Laboratory of Structural Wind Engineering and Urban Wind Environment Beijing China


AbstractUnder the action of the fluctuating wind load, the low frequency part produces background response to the structures, while the high frequency part produces resonance response to the structures. In structural design, equivalent static wind load is usually used to equate the fluctuating wind load. Although there are various methods of evaluating the equivalent static wind load, they did not consider the correlation between modal responses or considered them insufficiently. Therefore, in this paper, the correlation between modal response is considered to evaluate the equivalent static wind load, the displacement response is decomposed by proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) method, the correlation between modal displacement is removed, the equivalent static wind load is expressed in the form of displacement mode, and then the correlation between modal response is fully considered in the extreme value combination. This paper combines the equivalent static wind loads in order to make the wind resistance design more reasonable for high‐rise buildings. First, the formulas of equivalent static wind loads expressed by displacement modes of background and resonant response are deduced based on modal decomposition and POD method. Second, the combination formulas of square‐root‐of‐sum‐square (SRSS) and complete‐quadratic‐combination (CQC) rules for the equivalent static wind loads considering the mean wind loads are proposed. Both the linear combination formula of SRSS for the equivalent static wind load and the weighting factor expressions of background and resonance equivalent static wind load are given. Third, the accuracy and validity of the formulas of equivalent static wind load are verified by a wind tunnel pressure test of a high‐rise building. Finally, the simplified combination coefficient formulas for the equivalent static wind loads are proposed, and the combination of the high‐rise building base's fluctuating equivalent static wind loads of along‐wind direction, across‐wind direction, and torsional direction is analyzed.


National Natural Science Foundation of China










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