Wetland landscapes in the Southern Maya Lowlands (Naachtun, Guatemala) from the ancient agroecosystems to the tropical biosphere reserve: Ecology, exploitation and management of water and soil resources, and heritage legacy


Castanet Cyril1ORCID,Fernandes Amaury2,Mokadem Fatima2,Hatté Christine34,Gauthier Caroline3,Develle‐Vincent Anne‐Lise5,Cavero Julien2,Dru Hugo2,Virmoux Clément2,Sipos Gyorgy6,Dussol Lydie7,Nondédéo Philippe8


1. Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint‐Denis Laboratoire de Géographie Physique Environnements Quaternaires et Actuels (LGP UMR CNRS 8591) Saint‐Denis France

2. Laboratoire de Géographie Physique, Environnements Quaternaires et Actuels LGP UMR CNRS 8591 Thiais France

3. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement, LSCE UMR 8212 CEA, CNRS, UVSQ Université Paris‐Saclay Gif sur Yvette France

4. Institute of Physics Silesian University of Technology Gliwice Poland

5. Laboratoire Environnements, DYnamiques et TErritoires de la Montagne, EDYTEM UMR CNRS 5204 Université Savoie Mont Blanc, Bâtiment « Pôle Montagne » Le Bourget du Lac France

6. Geomorphological and Geochronological Research Group, Department of Geoinformatics, Physical and Environmental Geography University of Szeged Szeged Hungary

7. Laboratoire Cultures et Environnements, Préhistoire, Antiquité, Moyen Âge, CEPAM UMR CNRS 7264, Pôle Universitaire Saint Jean d'Angély Université Côte d'Azur Nice France

8. Laboratoire Archéologie des Amériques, ARCHAM UMR CNRS 8096 Paris France


AbstractIn the Biosphere Reserve of the Maya Lowlands, the large‐scale characterisation of the current wetlands ecology and the exploitation and management of their natural resources by the ancient Maya is severely constrained by the forest. This paper presents an integrated geomatic, geoarchaeological and ecological approach, developed to overcome this obstacle in the microregion of the Naachtun Maya city. It is based on the analysis of LiDAR, and field and laboratory data. This approach has revealed the mosaic of current ecological conditions of the wetlands, thanks to the characterisation and spatial modelling of the landforms, hydrology, vegetation and soil cover. It has enabled the characterisation of numerous hydraulic and agricultural structures: 70 large reservoirs, raised fields (the largest over 1.5 km²), canals and ditches (with a cumulative length of over 300 km) and dikes. Eight morphological types of hybrid structures—hydraulic and agricultural—are described. These constructions have enabled the intensive exploitation of water and soil resources, their management and the resulting environmental risks. This study has shown that the agroecosystems of lowland areas were created as early as ~1500 B.C.E. and evolved in a polyphasic way, until a phase of radical decline around 1000 C.E. This study has made it possible to characterise the legacy of the Maya Early Anthropocene on current wetlands, as well as their important natural and cultural heritage.










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