1. Ackerman , T. W. Clements F. Barnes D. Renne 1999 Tropical western Pacific cloud and radiation testbed: Science, siting, and implementation strategies Tech. Rep. DOE/ARM-99-004
2. Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility (ACRF) 1994a MET. 2011-08-15 to 2012-11-27, 2.06 S 147.425 E: Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1) 10.5439/1025220
3. ACRF 1994b VCEIL25K. 2011-08-15 to 2012-11-27, 2.06 S 147.425 E: Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1) 10.5439/1025313
4. ACRF 1994c Balloon-Borne Sounding System (SONDEWNPN). 2011-08-15 to 2012-11-27, 2.06 S 147.425 E: Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1) 10.5439/1021460
5. ACRF 1994d QCRAD1LONG. 2011-08-15 to 2012-11-27, 2.06 S 147.425 E: Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) Central Facility, Manus I., PNG (C1) 10.5439/1027372