1. College of Veterinary Medicine and the Research Institute for Veterinary Science Seoul National University Seoul 08826 South Korea
2. Onnuri Animal Medical Center, 251, Gwangdeok‐daero, Ansan‐si Gyeonggi‐do South Korea
AbstractCongenital pulmonary underdevelopment is classified into three types as agenesis, aplasia and hypoplasia. The case records of the complications in two dogs diagnosed with presumptive congenital pulmonary underdevelopment were reviewed. Computed tomography scans revealed congenital lesions including pulmonary hypoplasia and pulmonary aplasia in two dogs. The respiratory signs intensified with the complications of congenital pulmonary underdevelopment, such as inflammatory lung disease, bronchiectasis and pulmonary hypertension. These complications were followed up long‐term and evaluated by various imaging modalities. The results of this case report suggest that careful monitoring of complications and long‐term follow‐up, including regular imaging tests for dogs with congenital pulmonary underdevelopment, could be helpful in patient management.