1. 石巻赤十字病院救急科・救命救急センター(Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Ishinomaki Hospital)
2. みやぎ県南中核病院救急科(Department of Emergency, South Miyagi Medical Center)
3. 東北大学病院救急科・高度救命救急センター(Department of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Tohoku University Hospital)
4. 東北医科薬科大学病院救急科(Department of Emergency, Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University Hospital)
5. 東北大学病院耳鼻咽頭・頭頸部外科学分野(Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)
6. 東北大学大学院医学系研究科外科病態学講座救急医学分野(Division of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine)