1. a)UNODC World drug report2013 (United Nations publication Sales No. E.13.XI.6);
2. An overview of recent developments in the analytical detection of new psychoactive substances (NPSs)
3. UNODC Understanding the synthetic drug market: the NPS factor Global SMART Update Volume 19 March 2018.
4. "New legislation bringing faster response to new drugs applies from today News release N° 8/2018" can be found underhttp://www.emcdda.europa.eu/news/2018/8/new-legislation-brings-faster-response-to-new-psychoactive-substances_en 2020.
5. News: December 2016—Germany: Generic NPS legislation enters into force can be found underhttps://www.unodc.org/LSS/Announcement/Details/03058695-b755-4b69-85bb-2b9d9e1a8a55 2020.