1. IRISSE Laboratory (EA4075), UFR SHEUniversity of La Réunion Le Tampon France
2. Department of Functional Neurology and Epileptology, Hospices Civils de LyonUniversité de Lyon Lyon France
3. NeuroPain Lab, Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre, CRNL – INSERM U 1028/CNRS UMR 5292University of Lyon Lyon France
4. Neurology DepartmentUniversity Hospital Saint‐Etienne France
5. TIGER Lab, Lyon Neuroscience Research Centre, CRNL – INSERM U 1028/CNRS UMR 5292University of Lyon Lyon France
6. EA SNA‐EPIS 4607, Department of Clinical and Exercise PhysiologyUniversity of Lyon, Jean Monnet University Saint‐Etienne France