1. CNRS Centre d'Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive (CEFE) UMR 5175 1919 route de Mende 34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
2. UMR PVMBT Université de la Réunion CIRAD 7 chemin de l'IRAT 94710 Saint–Pierre France
3. Department of Biological Sciences Macquarie University New South Wales 2109 Australia
4. Department of Forest Resources and Institute on the Environment University of Minnesota St Paul Minnesota
5. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment University of Western Sydney Hawkesbury New South Wales Australia
6. Department of Plant Production University of Milan via Celoria 2 I‐20133 Milan Italy
7. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET ‐ UNC) and FCEFyN Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Casilla de Correo 495 Vélez Sársfield 299 5000 Córdoba Argentina
8. James Hutton Institute Craigiebuckler Aberdeen AB15 8QH UK
9. Norwegian Institute for Nature Research Tungasletta 2 7485 Trondheim Norway
10. Community and Conservation Ecology Group PO Box 14 9750 AA Haren The Netherlands
11. DBSF Università degli Studi dell'Insubria Via J.H. Dunant 3 I‐ 21100 Varese Italy
12. Centro Flora Autoctona, c/o Consorzio Parco Monte Barro via Bertarelli 11 I‐23851 Galbiate (LC) Italy
13. UR B&SEF CIRAD TA C‐105/D Campus International de Baillarguet 34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
14. INRA UMR 1248 AGIR Equipe ORPHEE BP 52627 ‐ Auzeville 31326 Castanet‐Tolosan France
15. Institute of Botany Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Dukelská 135 CZ‐37982 Třeboň Czech Republic
16. Department of Botany Stockholm University Stockholm 106 91 Sweden
17. Centre for Functional Ecology University of Coimbra Coimbra Portugal
18. Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants Faculty of Life Sciences Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv 69978 Israel
19. Department of Archaeology The University Sheffield S1 4ET UK
20. Landscape Ecology Group Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg P.O. Box 2503 26111 Oldenburg Germany
21. Landscape Ecology & Consulting Lerchenstrasse 20 26215 Wiefelstede Germany
22. Laboratoire d'Écologie Alpine (CNRS UMR 5553) and Station Alpine Joseph Fourier (UMS‐UJF‐CNRS 2925) Université Joseph Fourier BP 53 F‐38042 Grenoble, Cedex 09 France
23. Laboratory of Rangeland Ecology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 54124 Thessaloniki Greece
24. Department of Biology University of Wisconsin‐Eau Claire Phillips Hall 353 Eau Claire Wisconsin 4702‐4004