Królikowska Agata,Witkowski Marcin,Piotrowski Piotr
The power of
surface‐enhanced Raman scattering
) in bioanalytics arises from the plasmonic amplification of vibration signals and the use of nanostructures allowing for miniaturization of the sensing platform. SERS spectroscopy also inherits intrinsic advantages of Raman scattering: vibrational fingerprint distinctive for every molecule, utilization of lasers, and confocal microscopes, which confines the detection spot, and feasibility of performing the measurements in water‐containing media; all beneficial in biosamples. In this article, the readers will find a thorough summary of the state of the art in bioSERS studies, which overviews the tremendous progress made in the field over the last few years. The challenges of implementing SERS spectroscopy into the investigation of biological systems are outlined, and miscellaneous experimental strategies required for such studies are reviewed. The selected examples of SERS‐based analysis of biosamples, ranging from the detection of simple biomolecules, followed by much more complex cell and tissue studies, and ultimately reaching SERS‐based analytical procedures for the detection of pathogens are presented. Consequently, the advances that were prerequisites in the context of upgrading SERS into a mainstream real‐life bioanalytical technique are highlighted. In the end, the future directions (see Scheme 1) that nowadays attract the greatest interest in the field are discussed, assessing an outlook for current and future biospectroscopists.
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1 articles.